As we come to a close of the 2008 season, the focus shifts to a new year and new hopes of redemption. I can remember back to all the horrible mistakes I made in my planning and preparation for this year's race calendar, and how I will adjust to what is coming up next spring. I do not plan to do anywhere as many races next year as I did this year, as I have already participated in 11 ultras and 4 full marathons. This is averaged out to a race every 3 weeks, hopefully convicing Chirs Kostman that I am seasoned enough for his July Blisterthon;) Next year I will participate in:
Leon's Fat Ass 50K, January
WSU 100K, April
Lincoln Marathon, May
Watershed Preserve, May
Sawtooth Solo (200K), June
July is up in the air, considering I get into Badwater. We will see.
Plain 100+, September
Le Grizz 50, October
The Sawtooth Relay is normally set up as a relay race from Stanley to Ketchum, Idaho. Last year I completed the event as a 100K. This June, I am planning the do the event as a grueling 124 mile event from start to race finish and back to start. If you are interested in helping me crew for this event, let me know! This will be a difficult undertaking and I will need as much help as I can get.
Well, I have two races left this year. I am on my way to San Francisco next week for the San Fran 24 Hour, and to Texas for Ultracentric (48 Hour) in November. Hopefully, this can seal my entry into Badwater when I apply for the event in January. I will not be doing any serious training between now and the beginning of December, but be looking for me out on the trails at that time!
Coldwater rumble 100
9 years ago
1 comment:
You've had a busy schedule this year for sure. I'll see you at Leon's run in January. The Mt Borah sounds like you had fun. I'm over due for a return trip. Now that I'm in better shape, it shouldn't take all day :)
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